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Monday, November 4, 2013

CS2357-OOAD Lab Manual


SUB/CODE: CS2357 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Lab                             

SEM/YEAR: VI/III                                           BRANCH: III CSE                                                                    

            To study the basic concepts of Unified Modeling Language
CASE tools known as Computer-aided software engineering tools is a kind of component-based development which allows its users to rapidly develop information systems. The main goal of case technology is the automation of the entire information systems development life cycle process using a set of integrated software tools, such as modeling, methodology and automatic code generation. Component based manufacturing has several advantages over custom development. The main advantages are the availability of high quality, defect free products at low cost and at a faster time. The prefabricated components are customized as per the requirements of the customers. The components used are pre-built, ready-tested and add value and differentiation by rapid customization to the targeted customers. However the products we get from case tools are only a skeleton of the final product required and a lot of programming must be done by hand to get a fully finished, good product.
Characteristics of CASE:
Some of the characteristics of case tools that make it better than customized development are;
  • It is a graphic oriented tool.
  • It supports decomposition of process.
Some typical CASE tools are:
  • Unified Modeling Language
  • Data modeling tools, and
  • Source code generation tools
Introduction to UML (Unified Modeling Language):
The UML is a language for specifying, constructing, visualizing, and documenting the software system and its components. The UML is a graphical language with sets of rules and semantics. The rules and semantics of a model are expressed in English in a form known as OCL (Object Constraint Language). OCL uses simple logic for specifying the properties of a system. The UML is not intended to be a visual programming language. However it has a much closer mapping to object-oriented programming languages, so that the best of both can be obtained. The UML is much simpler than other methods preceding it. UML is appropriate for modeling systems, ranging from enterprise information system to distributed web based application and even to real time embedded system. It is a very expensive language addressing all views needed to develop and then to display system even though understand to use. Learning to apply UML effectively starts forming a conceptual mode of languages which requires learning.
Three major language elements:
  • UML basic building blocks
  • Rules that dictate how this building blocks put together
  • Some common mechanism that apply throughout the language
The primary goals in the design of UML are:
1. Provides users ready to use, expressive visual modeling
language as well so they can develop and exchange meaningful
2. Provide extensibility and specialization mechanisms to extend
the core concepts.
3. Be independent of particular programming languages and
development processes.
4. Provide formal basis for understanding the modeling language.
5. Encourage the growth of the OO tools market.
6. Support higher-level development concepts.
7. Integrate best practices and methodologies.
Every complex system is best approached through a small set of nearly independent views of a model. Every model can be expressed at different levels of fidelity. The best models are connected to reality. The UML defines nine graphical diagrams:
1. Class diagram
2. Use-case diagram
3. Behavior diagram
3.1. Interaction diagram
3.1.1. sequence diagram
3.1.2. collaboration diagram
3.2. state chart diagram
3.3. activity diagram
4. Implementation diagram
4.1 component diagram
4.2 deployment diagram
1. UML class diagram:
The UML class diagram is also known as object modeling. It is a static analysis diagram. These diagrams show the static structure of the model. A class diagram is a connection of static model elements, such as classes and their relationships, connected as a graph to each other and to their contents.
2. Use-case diagram:
The functionality of a system can be described in a number of different usecases, each of which represents a specific flow of events in a system. It is a graph of actors, a set of use-cases enclosed in a boundary, communication, associations between the actors and the use-cases, and generalization among the use-cases.

3. Behavior diagram:
It is a dynamic model unlike all the others mentioned before. The objects of an object oriented system are not static and are not easily understood by static diagrams. The behavior of the class’s instance (an object) is represented in this diagram. Every use-case of the system has an associated behavior diagram that indicates the behavior of the object. In conjunction with the use-case diagram we may provide a script or interaction diagram to show a time line of events. It consists of sequence and collaboration diagrams.

4. Interaction diagram
It is the combination of sequence and collaboration diagram. It is used to depict the flow of events in the system over a timeline. The interaction diagram is a dynamic model which shows how the system behaves during dynamic execution.

5. State chart diagram:
It consists of state, events and activities. State diagrams are a familiar technique to describe the behavior of a system. They describe all of the possible states that a particular object can get into and how the object's state changes as a result of events that reach the object. In most OO techniques, state diagrams are drawn for a single class to show the lifetime behavior of a single object.

6. Activity diagram:
It shows organization and their dependence among the set of components. These diagrams are particularly useful in connection with workflow and in describing behavior that has a lot of parallel processing. An activity is a state of doing something: either a real-world process, or the execution of a software routine.
7. Implementation diagram:
It shows the implementation phase of the systems development, such as the source code structure and the run-time implementation structure. These are relatively simple high level diagrams compared to the others seen so far. They are of two subdiagrams, the component diagram and the deployment diagram.

8. Component diagram:
These are organizational parts of a UML model. These are boxes to which a model can be decomposed. They show the structure of the code itself. They model the physical components such as source code, user interface in a design. It is similar to the concept of packages.

9. Deployment diagram:
The deployment diagram shows the structure of the runtime system. It shows the configuration of runtime processing elements and the software components that live in them. They are usually used in conjunction with deployment diagrams to show how physical modules of code are distributed on the system.
Notation elements:
These are explanatory parts of UML model. They are boxes which may apply to describe and remark about any element in the model. They provide the information for understanding the necessary details of the diagrams.
Relations in the UML:
These are four kinds of relationships used in an UML diagram, they are:
  • Dependency
  • Association
  • Generalization
  • Realization

It is a semantic relationship between two things in which a change one thing affects the semantics of other things. Graphically a dependency is represented by a non-continuous line.

It is a structural relationship that describes asset of links. A link is being connected among objects. Graphically association is represented as a solid line possibly including label.

It is a specialized relationship in which the specialized elements are substitutable for object of the generalized element. Graphically it is a solid line with hollow arrow head parent.

It is a semantic relation between classifiers. Graphically it is represented as a cross between generalization and dependency relationship.

Where UML can be used:
UML is not limited to modeling software. In fact it is expressive to model non-software such as to show in structure and behavior of health case system and to design the hardware of the system.

Conceptual model be UML:
UML you need to form the conceptual model of UML. This requires three major elements:
  • UML basic building blocks.
  • Rules that dictate how this building blocks are put together.
  • Some common mechanism that apply throughout the language.
Once you have grasped these ideas, you may be able to read. UML create
some basic ones. As you gain more experience in applying conceptual model using
more advanced features of this language.

Book Bank Management System
            To develop a system for book bank management.


Problem Statement:

              A Library lends books and magazines to member, who is registered in the system. Also it handles the purchase of new titles for the Library. Popular titles are bought into multiples copies. A member can reserve a book or magazine that is not currently available in the library, so that when it is returned or purchased by the library, that person is notified. The library can easily create, replace and delete information about the books, members, and reservation in the system. The books transactions are stored in the database. So we can easily generate the fine list while the member returns the book after the due date.

Software requirements:

           Front-end   : Microsoft visual basic 6.0
           Back-end    : Ms-Access
           CASE Tool : Rational rose.

Software Requirement Specification
1. Introduction
The main objective of this document is to illustrate the requirements of the project Library Management system. The document gives the detailed description of the both functional and non functional requirements proposed by the client.
1.2Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
The intended audiences for this document are:
·         The members of Innovative library Solutions.
·         The administrative staff of the library

1.3 Scope of the Development Project
      The book bank System is used for students and staff members. The students will use the system by registering their name and register number. The book details and transaction details are stored in database. This project is basically updating the manual library system into a internet based application so that the users can know the details of their account ,availability of books etc.,


2.Overall Description
2.1Product Perspective
            The proposed Book Bank Management System which is being developed by Innovative Library Management Solutions team is an on-line Book Bank Management System. This System will provide a search functionality to facilitate the search of resources. This search will be based on various categories viz. book name or the ISBN. Also Advanced Search feature is provided in order to search various categories simultaneously. Further the library staff personnel can add/update/remove the resources and the resource users from the system.

2.2Product Features
There are two different users who will be using this product:
·         Librarian who will be acting as the administrator
·         Student  who will be accessing the Library online.
The features that are available to the Librarian are:
·         A librarian can issue a book to the student
·         Can view The different categories of books available in the Library
·         Can view the List of books available in each category
·         Can take the book returned from students
·         Add books and their information of the books to the database
·         Edit the information of the existing books.
·         Can check the report of the issued Books.
·         Can access all the accounts of the students.
The features available to the Students are:
·         Can view The different categories of books available in the Library
·         Can view the List of books available in each category
·         Can own an account in the library
·         Can view the books issued to him
·         Can put a request for a new book
·         Can view the history of books issued to him previously
·          Can search for a particular book

2.3Operating Environment
The product will be operating in windows environment.

3.System Features
3.1. Functional Requirements
          This section gives the list of Functional and non functional requirements which are applicable to the Library Management System.

3.1.1 Interface Requirements
          This section describes how the software interfaces with other software products or users for input or output.

            Describes how this product interfaces with the user.
           Describes the graphical user interface if present. This section should include a set of screen dumps or mockups to illustrate user interface features.
          The user interface must be customizable by the administrator
         This issue is essential to the overall system. All the modules provided with the software must fit into this graphical user interface and accomplish to the standard defined.
4.Non Functional Requirements
4.1. Hardware Interfaces
·         Operating System: Windows 9x/xp
·         Processor: Pentium 3.0 GHz or higher
·         RAM: 512 Mb or more
·         Hard Drive: 10 GB or more
4.2Software Interfaces
Database: Ms-Access
Front End: Visual Basic
4.3.Performance Requirements
       The proposed system that we are going to develop will be used as the Chief performance system within the different campuses of the college which interact with the college staff and students. Therefore, it is expected that the database would perform functionally all the requirements that are specified by the colleges.

4.4.Safety Requirements
    The database may get crashed at any certain time due to virus or operating system failure. Therefore, it is required to take the database backup.

4.5. Security Requirements
      We are going to develop a secured database for the university .There are different categories of users namely teaching staff, administrator, library staff ,students etc., Depending upon the category of user the access rights are decided. It means if the user is an administrator then he can be able to modify the data, delete, append etc., All other users other than library staff only have the rights to retrieve the information about database.

UML Diagrams

Class Diagram

Use Case Diagram

Sequence Diagram(issue Book)

Collaboration Diagram

Activity Diagram

Component diagram

Skeleton code
Option Explicit
Private number_of_books As Variant

Private book_name As Variant

Public NewProperty As library

Public Sub check_number_of_books()

End Sub
Public Sub issue_books()
Option Explicit

Private date As Variant

Private fine As Variant
Public NewProperty As library
Public Sub check_date()

End Sub
Source Code

Form1: Student Details
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset

Private Sub Command1_Click()
rs("Sname") = Text1.Text
rs("Sno") = Val(Text2.Text)
rs("Cardno") = Val(Text3.Text)
rs("Dept") = Text4.Text
MsgBox "record added successfully"
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim a As Integer
a = InputBox("enter the Bno")
While rs.EOF = False
If rs("sno") = a Then
Text1.Text = rs("Sname")
Text2.Text = rs("Sno")
Text3.Text = rs("Cardno")
Text4.Text = rs("Dept")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Text1.Text = rs("Sname")
Text2.Text = rs("Sno")
Text3.Text = rs("Cardno")
Text4.Text = rs("Dept")
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
If rs.EOF = True Then
MsgBox "lastrecord"
Text1.Text = rs("Sname")
Text2.Text = rs("Sno")
Text3.Text = rs("Cardno")
Text4.Text = rs("Dept")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
If rs.BOF = True Then
MsgBox "first record"
Text1.Text = rs("Sname")
Text2.Text = rs("Sno")
Text3.Text = rs("Cardno")
Text4.Text = rs("Dept")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()
Text1.Text = rs("Sname")
Text2.Text = rs("Sno")
Text3.Text = rs("Cardno")
Text4.Text = rs("Dept")
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()
Dim n As Integer
n = InputBox("enter the the Bno")
While rs.EOF = False
If rs("Bno") = n Then
Text1.Text = rs("Sname")
Text2.Text = rs("Sno")
Text3.Text = rs("Cardno")
Text4.Text = rs("Dept")
MsgBox "record deleted"
End If
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub form_load()
Set db = OpenDatabase("C:\Users\microsoft\Desktop\ooadlab\library\librarysystem.mdb")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("studentdetails")
End Sub

Form2:Book Details
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim a As Integer
a = InputBox("enter the Bno")
While rs.EOF = False
If rs("Bno") = a Then
Text1.Text = rs("Bname")
Text2.Text = rs("Authors")
Text3.Text = rs("Bno")
Text4.Text = rs("No of books")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Text1.Text = rs("Bname")
Text2.Text = rs("Authors")
Text3.Text = rs("Bno")
Text4.Text = rs("No of books")
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
If rs.EOF = True Then
MsgBox "last record"
Text1.Text = rs("Bname")
Text2.Text = rs("Authors")
Text3.Text = rs("Bno")
Text4.Text = rs("No of books")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
If rs.BOF = True Then
MsgBox "first record"
Text1.Text = rs("Bname")
Text2.Text = rs("Authors")
Text3.Text = rs("Bno")
Text4.Text = rs("No of books")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()
Text1.Text = rs("Bname")
Text2.Text = rs("Authors")
Text3.Text = rs("Bno")
Text4.Text = rs("No of books")
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()
Dim n As Integer
n = InputBox("enter the the Bno")
While rs.EOF = False
If rs("Bno") = n Then
Text1.Text = rs("Bname")
Text2.Text = rs("Authors")
Text3.Text = rs("Bno")
Text4.Text = rs("No of books")
MsgBox "record deleted"
End If
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub form_load()
Set db = OpenDatabase("C:\Users\microsoft\Desktop\ooadlab\library\librarysystem.mdb")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("bookdetails")
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
rs("Bname") = Text1.Text
rs("Authors") = Text2.Text
rs("Bno") = Val(Text3.Text)
rs("No of books") = Val(Text4.Text)
MsgBox "record added successfully"
End Sub

Form3:Issue Book
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rs1 As Recordset
Dim rs2 As Recordset

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Text1.Text = rs("Sname")
Text2.Text = rs("Cardno")
Text3.Text = rs("Bname")
End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()
Dim n As Integer
While rs1.EOF = False
If rs1("bno") = Val(Text3.Text) And rs1("bno") = Val(Text3.Text) Then
n = rs1("no of books")
rs1("no of books") = n - 1
End If
MsgBox "book issued"
End Sub

Private Sub form_load()
Set db = OpenDatabase("C:\Users\microsoft\Desktop\ooadlab\library\librarysystem.mdb")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("studentdetails")
Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset("bookdetails")
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset("transactiondetails")
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
rs2("MemberID") = Val(Text1.Text)
rs2("Membername") = (Text2.Text)
rs2("Bno") = Val(Text3.Text)
rs2("Bname") = (Text4.Text)
rs2("Issuedate") = Text5.Text
rs2("Returndate") = Text6.Text
MsgBox "record added successfully"
End Sub

Private Sub Text2_Click()
While rs.EOF = False
If rs("sno") = Val(Text1.Text) Then
Text2.Text = rs("sname")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Text4_Click()
While rs1.EOF = False
If rs1("Bno") = Val(Text3.Text) Then
Text4.Text = rs1("Bname")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Text5_Click()
Text5.Text = DateValue(Now)
End Sub

Private Sub Text6_Click()
Text6.Text = DateValue(Now + 7)
End Sub

Form4:Return Book
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rs1 As Recordset
Dim rs2 As Recordset
Dim rs3 As Recordset

Private Sub Command8_Click()
Dim n As Integer
While rs1.EOF = False
If rs1("Bno") = Val(Text3.Text) Then
n = rs1("no of books")
rs1("no of books") = n + 1
MsgBox "book returned successfully"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command9_Click()
While rs2.EOF = False
If rs2("MemberID") = Val(Text1.Text) And rs2("Membername") = Text2.Text And rs2("Bno") = Val(Text3.Text) And rs2("Bname") = Text4.Text And rs2("Returndate") > Text5.Text Then
MsgBox "no fine"
On Error GoTo err1
End If
MsgBox "fine"
Text6.Text = Val(Text1.Text) / Val(Text5.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub form_load()
Set db = OpenDatabase("C:\Users\microsoft\Desktop\ooadlab\library\librarysystem.mdb")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("returndetails")
Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset("bookdetails")
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset("transactiondetails")
Set rs3 = db.OpenRecordset("studentdetails")
End Sub

Private Sub Text2_Click()
While rs3.EOF = False
If rs3("sno") = Val(Text1.Text) Then
Text2.Text = rs3("sname")
End If
Private Sub Text4_Click()
While rs1.EOF = False
If rs1("Bno") = Val(Text3.Text) Then
Text4.Text = rs1("Bname")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Text5_Click()
Text5.Text = DateValue(Now)
End Sub

Output Screens

Main Form

Student Details Form

Book Details Form

Issue Book
Return Book

Course Reservation system

            To develop a system for stock maintenance.

Problem Statement:
                               Due to a decrease in federal funding the college cannot afford to replace the entire system at once. The college will keep the existing course catalog database where all course information is maintained. At the beginning of each semester students may request a course catalogue containing a list of course offerings for the semester.  Information about each course help students make informed decisions. The new system will allow students to select four course offerings for the coming semester. If offering course is not available, the students will have an option to select another course. Once the registration process is completed for a student, the registration system sends information to the billing system so the student can be billed for the year.

Software requirement Specification

1. Introduction
1.1 - Purpose of this Document
                This Software Requirements Specification provides a complete description of all the functions and constraints of the Online Registration System, developed for the colleges. The expected audience of this document includes Head of Departments, faculty members and staff and students in the college who will use the system.

1.2 - Scope of the Development Project
      The Registration System is used by all students. The students will use the system to register for courses, update their current course selections, and print bill.
1.3 – References
2. Specific Requirements
2.1. Functional Requirements
2.1.1 Inputs
       Input for the student is only their enrollment number and their name for logon after that they choose their course by just clicking and then they submit.

2.1.2 Outputs
Its outputs are:
    • Registration of courses for student
    • Transcript of student
    • Fee slip for student

3.External Interface Requirements
3.1. User Interfaces
Its interfaces depends person to person, if person is student then its interface is different, if person is cashier then it is different and so on.

3.2. Hardware Interfaces
Hardware interface will be keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer.

3.3. Software Interfaces
All data handling is done by DBMS so we require SQL along with windows environment.

3.4.Performance Requirements
Because this system is designed for multi-user so performance issue is more important which require higher throughput in shorter response time. So that system should be reliable and secure.

4.1 Security
This is the most important issue in this system. Illegal add or delete transaction
should be handled. You can imagine what happened when students or unauthorized person can change the rule of university or update student records?

4.2. Maintainability
Low cost maintainability should be implemented in software.

Software requirements:

           Front-end   : Microsoft visual basic 6.0
           Back-end    : Ms-Access
           CASE Tool : Rational rose.

UML Diagrams
Use Case Diagram

Class Diagram

Sequence diagram

Collaboration Diagram

Activity Diagram

Component diagram

Deployment diagram

Skeleton code

Option Explicit
Private name As Variant
Public Sub check_whether_seat_avail()
End Sub
Public Sub maintain_staff_stud_detail()

End Sub
Option Explicit

Private id As Variant

Public Sub store()

End Sub

Public Sub details_about_course_avail()

End Sub
Public Sub update_the_no_of_seat()

End Sub

Source code:

Form1: Course Details

Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset

Private Sub Command1_Click()
rs("Cname") = Combo1.Text
rs("Branch") = Combo2.Text
rs("Tfees") = Val(Text1.Text)
rs("Afees") = Val(Text2.Text)
rs("Sfees") = Val(Text3.Text)
rs("No of seats") = Val(Text4.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Combo1.Text = rs("Cname")
Combo2.Text = rs("Branch")
Text1.Text = rs("Tfees")
Text2.Text = rs("Afees")
Text3.Text = rs("Sfees")
Text4.Text = rs("No of seats")
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
If rs.BOF = True Then
MsgBox "first record"
Combo1.Text = rs("Cname")
Combo2.Text = rs("Branch")
Text1.Text = rs("Tfees")
Text2.Text = rs("Afees")
Text3.Text = rs("Sfees")
Text4.Text = rs("No of seats")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
If rs.EOF = True Then
MsgBox "last record"
Combo1.Text = rs("Cname")
Combo2.Text = rs("Branch")
Text1.Text = rs("Tfees")
Text2.Text = rs("Afees")
Text3.Text = rs("Sfees")
Text4.Text = rs("No of seats")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
Dim a As String
a = InputBox("Enter the Cname")
While rs.EOF = False
If rs("Cname") = a Then
Combo1.Text = rs("Cname")
Combo2.Text = rs("Branch")
Text1.Text = rs("Tfees")
Text2.Text = rs("Afees")
Text3.Text = rs("Sfees")
Text4.Text = rs("No of seats")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set db = OpenDatabase("E:\Mani\mani\mani\V.KUMAR.mdb")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("cdetails")
End Sub

Form2:Seat Reservation
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rs1 As Recordset
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim n As Integer
If rs("Branch") = Combo2.Text Then
n = rs("No of seats")
End If
MsgBox "Seats reserved"
rs1("name") = Text1.Text
rs1("dob") = Val(Text2.Text)
rs1("address") = Text3.Text
rs1("mper") = Val(Text4.Text)
rs1("Cname") = Combo1.Text
rs1("branch") = Combo2.Text
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim a As String
a = InputBox("enter the branch")
While rs.EOF = False
If rs("branch") = a And rs("No of seats") <> 0 Then
MsgBox ("seat available")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set db = OpenDatabase("E:\Mani\mani\mani\V.KUMAR.mdb")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("cdetails")
Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset("mdetails")
End Sub

Output Screens

Form1:Course Details

Form2:Course reservation

Stock Maintenance System

            To design and develop a system for stock maintenance.

Problem Statement:
             Stock Maintenance gives an idea about how products are maintained in the particular concern. The products that are to be purchased, the products that are to be sold are maintained here.
              The system is developed to automate the stock maintenance. The customer makes out the list of product needed and produce out the list to the system. The system then verifies that the product or item to the user and hand over the bill to the customer
                    If the customer is purchase the product, then the system then reduce the item from the stock database and updates the stock .The system generate report with the list of available items and price per item.

Software Requirement Specification

1. Introduction
1.1 - Purpose of this Document
                This Software Requirements Specification provides a complete description of all the functions and constraints of the Stock maintenance system, developed for the store and customers. The expected audience of this document includes customers, store manager and suppliers in the college who will use the system.

1.2 Objective:
         The main objective is to maintain the stock records of a generic shop which deals in item.

  • To keep accounts of item in, item Out
  • To know the current position of the Stock
  • Transaction report
  • Stock maintenance

      As this is generic software it can be used by a wide variety of outlets to automate the process of manually maintaining the records related to the subject of maintaining the stock and material flows.

2. Specific Requirements
2.1. Functional Requirements
2.1.1 Inputs
       Input for the customer is only their customer number and their name for logon after that they choose their item by just clicking and then they submit. The price of the item is displayed .The customer enter the number of item for purchasing.

2.1.2 Outputs
Its outputs are:
    • Registration of customer
    • Calculation of total amount
    • Bill generation

2.2.External Interface Requirements
2.2.1. User Interfaces
        Its interfaces depends person to person, if person is customer then its interface is different, if person is cashier then it is different and so on.
2.2.2 Hardware Interfaces
        Hardware interface will be keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer.

2.2.3 Software Interfaces
        All data handling is done by DBMS so we require Access along with windows environment.

2.3. Performance Requirements
        Because this system is designed for multi-user so performance issue is more important which require higher throughput in shorter response time. So that system should be reliable and secure.

3.Non-functional (Quality) Requirements


The store managers should be able to order and view the levels of any stock in the system at any time through a Graphical User Interface.  The Graphical User Interface shall conform to company standards outlined later.
There will be a separate GUI for the managers to use.  It will conform to the Company Graphical User Interface Standard.
The Graphical User Interface Standard states that the interface be clear, uncluttered, consistent, and efficient.  A keyboard and mouse will be used, as numbers need to be entered into the system.
3.2. Scalability and Modifiability
The company should be able to double the size of its operations without seriously affecting the response time of the system.
The system shall be very extensible: that is, it should be able to become real-time, and it should be implemented in a type-safe language with modern programming principles and practices and should be as extensible and modifiable as possible.
Software requirements:

           Front-end   : Microsoft visual basic 6.0
           Back-end    : Ms-Access
           CASE Tool : Rational rose.

UML Diagrams

Use Case Diagram:

Class Diagram

Sequence diagram

Collaboration diagram

Activity Diagram
Component diagram:
Deployment diagram:

Skeleton code

Option Explicit

Private name As Variant

Private quantity As Variant

Public Sub order()

End Sub

Public Sub enquiry()

End Sub

Public Sub centralised_sm()

End Sub

Source Code:

Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset

Private Sub Command1_Click()
rs("itemname") = Combo1.Text
rs("itemno") = Val(Combo2.Text)
rs("price") = Val(Text3.Text)
rs("category") = Text4.Text
rs("avail") = Val(Text5.Text)
MsgBox ("record succesfully")
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Combo1.Text = rs("itemname")
Combo2.Text = rs("itemno")
Text3.Text = rs("price")
Text4.Text = rs("category")
Text5.Text = rs("avail")
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Combo1.Text = rs("itemname")
Combo2.Text = rs("itemno")
Text3.Text = rs("price")
Text4.Text = rs("category")
Text5.Text = rs("avail")
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
If rs.EOF = True Then
MsgBox ("Last record")
Combo1.Text = rs("itemname")
Combo2.Text = rs("itemno")
Text3.Text = rs("price")
Text4.Text = rs("category")
Text5.Text = rs("avail")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
If rs.BOF = True Then
MsgBox ("first record")
Combo1.Text = rs("itemname")
Combo2.Text = rs("itemno")
Text3.Text = rs("price")
Text4.Text = rs("category")
Text5.Text = rs("avail")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set db = OpenDatabase("E:\ooad\prabu\prabu\mani.mdb")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("stock")
End Sub

Form2:Sales the item
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rs1 As Recordset

Private Sub Combo1_Click()
While rs.EOF = False
If Combo1.Text = rs("itemname") Then
Combo2.Text = rs("itemno")
Text1.Text = rs("price")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim n As Integer
While rs.EOF = False
If Combo1.Text = rs("itemname") Then
n = rs("avail")
rs("avail") = n - Val(Text3.Text)
Text5.Text = rs("avail")
End If

rs1("itemname") = Combo1.Text
rs1("itemno") = Val(Combo2.Text)
rs1("price") = Val(Text1.Text)
rs1("category") = Text2.Text
rs1("items remain") = Text5.Text
rs1("noi") = Val(Text3.Text)
Text4.Text = Val(Text3.Text) * Val(Text1.Text)
rs1("total price") = Val(Text4.Text)
MsgBox ("purchased")
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set db = OpenDatabase("E:\ooad\prabu\prabu\mani.mdb")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("stock")
Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset("stock2")
End Sub
Form3: Main Form
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
End Sub

Output Screen
Main Form

Login Form

Purchase Form

Sales Form

Data Report

Train Ticket Reservation

                            To develop a system to perform Train Ticket reservation

Problem Statement:
              This system is designed for the Online Reservation of railway tickets for travel between any destinations that is a part of network formed for enabling this activity. This system enables the advance booking in any class, against general and ladies quota, on payment of fare in full for adults and children, a maximum of seats at a time for journey between any two stations served by train.
               It also provides details about
ü  Accommodation available for a train.
ü  Current status of reservation position.
ü  Time table.
ü  Time fares.
ü  Train available between a pair of stations.

The user of this system should register for any interaction with the system. Once register he will be provided with a user name and password for the user to login. After logging in the user should select the kind of activity he would like to perform like booking a ticket, cancellation of  a ticket and so on. If he select the booking the ticket option, then he should select to and from stations. Once a particular train is selected the user should specify the class of travel and data of  journey. Depending upon the vacancy position,the user can proceed to book his tickets. For reserving the ticket, the user should fill up the reservation form with the details then the user should submit for reservation. Then the mode of payment is selected for corresponding details. Once the process is over, the system automatically reserves the ticket for the user and it deliver by post. Thus the Online train ticket has been booked.

Software requirements:

            Microsoft visual basic 6.0 is used as front-end for our project and ms-access is used as back-end to store the data and Rational rose.
Software Requirement specification

1. Introduction:
1.1. Purpose:
          The purpose of this source is to describe the railway reservation system which provides the train timing details, reservation, billing and cancellation on various types of reservation namely,
  • Confirm Reservation for confirm Seat.
  • Reservation against Cancellation.
  • Waiting list Reservation.
  • Online Reservation.

1.2.Intended Audience And Reading Suggestions:
          The different types of readers are
  • Customers
  • Developers
  • Management people
  • Passengers
  • Counter clerk

1.3.Definitions, Acronyms And Abbreviations
  • TES – Train Enquiry System
  • TName – Train Name
  • PRS – passenger reservation system
  • TNO-Train Number

It consists of
  • Train details
  • Reservation form
  • Billing
  • Cancellation.

1.4. Scope
  • Freight Revenue enhancement.
  • Passenger Revenue enhancement.
  • Improved & optimized service.


2.Overall Description:
2.1.Product Perspective:
         It enables us to maintain the railway train details like their timings, number of seat available and reservation billing and cancelling the tickets.

2.1.1. User Interface:
         Its interfaces depends person to person, if person is passenger then its interface is different, if person is reservation clerk then it is different and so on.

2.1.2. Hardware Interface:
  • Printer
  • Normal PC

2.1.3. Software Interface:
  • Front end -> Visual Basic
  • Back end -> MS-Access
2.1.4. Operating Environment:
The OS types are
  • Windows NT
  • Windows XP
  • Windows 98
  • Linux

2.2.Product Functions:
2.2.1. Train Details:
           Customers may view the train timing at a date their name and number of tickets.

2.2.2. Reservation:
           After checking the number of seats available the customers reserve the tickets.

2.2.3. Billing:
          After reserving the required amount of tickets, the customer paid the amount.

2.2.4. Cancellation:
          If the customers want to cancel the ticket, then half of the amount paid by the customer will be refunded to him.

2.3. User Characteristics:
  • Knowledgeable user
  • Expert user
3. Specific Requirements
3.1. External Interfaces
  • Train Delay Alert Service.
  • Booking Terminals.
  • Passengers operated Enquiry Terminals.

3.2. Performance Requirements:
             It is available during all 24 hours. It offered through Mail express, super fast trains etc.
             Variety of compartments based on comfort :
·      AC first class.
·      AC sleeper.
·      First class.
·      AC chair car.
·      Sleeper class
·      Ordinary chair car.
3.3. Software System Attributes:
  • Reliable
  • Available
  • Secure

UML Diagrams

Use case Diagram

Class Diagram

Sequence Diagram

Collaboration Diagram

Activity Diagram


Component diagram

Deployment diagram

Skeleton code
Option Explicit

Private reservation_no As Variant

Private name As Variant

Private train_no As Variant

Private time As Variant

Public Sub cancel()

End Sub
Option Explicit

Source Code


Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rs1 As Recordset
Private Sub Combo4_Click()
While rs.EOF = False
If Combo1.Text = rs("trainname") And Text2.Text = rs("trainno") And Combo2.Text = rs("from") And Combo3.Text = rs("to") And Combo4.Text = rs("class") Then
Text9.Text = rs("noofseats")
Text10.Text = rs("amountperseat")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim n As Integer
While rs.EOF = False
If Combo1.Text = rs("trainname") And Text2.Text = rs("trainno") And Combo2.Text = rs("from") And Combo3.Text = rs("to") And Combo4.Text = rs("class") Then
n = rs("noofseats")
rs("noofseats") = n - Val(Text1.Text)
End If
rs1("TrainName") = Combo1.Text
rs1("TrainNo") = Val(Text2.Text)
rs1("From") = Combo2.Text
rs1("To") = Combo3.Text
rs1("class") = Combo4.Text
rs1("noofseats") = Val(Text9.Text)
rs1("amtperseat") = Val(Text10.Text)
rs1("Totalamt") = Val(Text11.Text)
MsgBox "ticket reserved"
End Sub
Private Sub Command6_Click()
Dim n As String
n = InputBox("enter the name")
While rs.EOF = False
If rs("passengername") = n Then
Combo1.Text = rs("TrainName")
Text2.Text = rs("TrainNo")
Combo2.Text = rs("From")
Combo3.Text = rs("To")
Combo4.Text = rs("class")
Text10.Text = rs("amtperseat")
Text11.Text = rs("Totalamt")
Text9.Text = rs("noseats")
MsgBox "record deleted"
End If
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
Text5.Text = ""
Text6.Text = ""
Text7.Text = ""
Text8.Text = ""
Text10.Text = ""
Text11.Text = ""
Text9.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()
Dim a As String
a = InputBox("enter passenger name")
While rs1.EOF = False
If rs1("passengername") = a Then
Combo1.Text = rs1("TrainName")
Text2.Text = rs1("TrainNo")
Combo2.Text = rs1("From")
Combo3.Text = rs1("To")
Combo4.Text = rs1("class")
Text9.Text = rs1("noofseats")
Text10.Text = rs1("amtperseat")
Text11.Text = rs1("Totalamt")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set db = OpenDatabase("D:\sar46\train.mdb")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("train details")
Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset("reservation")
End Sub

Private Sub Text11_Click()
Text11.Text = Val(Text10.Text) * Val(Text1.Text)
End Sub

FORM-2:Train details, Seat and Fare Details

Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset

Private Sub Combo4_Click()
While rs.EOF = False
If Combo1.Text = rs("trainname") And Text3.Text = rs("trainno") And Combo2.Text = rs("from") And Combo3.Text = rs("to") And Combo4.Text = rs("class") Then
Text1.Text = rs("arrival")
Text2.Text = rs("departure")
Text4.Text = rs("amountperseat")
Text5.Text = rs("noofseats")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set db = OpenDatabase("E:\mani\train.mdb")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("train details")
End Sub

Form3:Main Form

Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
End Sub

Output Screen

Train Details, Seat and Fare Details

Ticket Reservation

Main Form

Employee Payroll System

To develop a system for employee’s payroll management.

Problem Statement:
            A payroll system financial statement that shows the total amount of money paid to the people by a particular company. Many companies today are choosing the option of outsourcing portions of their accounting duties to a payroll processing system with the introduction of the computer and high technology communications, now it is easier than over to hirer professionals to handle bookkeeping and other job within the business. Choosing the right payroll processing system to meet the individual needs of any given business will be important.
           The employee details and department details are stored in a database. The basic pay for each employee is obtained from the department and processed by the payroll system. The attribute such as HRA, DA, TA, loan arrears are go to for each employee which is used for calculating the net pay for each employee the controller who process all the details.

System requirements:
            Microsoft visual basic 6.0 is used as front-end for our project and ms-access as our back-end and Rational rose.

Software Requirement Specification
1. Introduction
The main objective of this document is to illustrate the requirements of the project Payroll Management system. The document gives the detailed description of the both functional and non functional requirements proposed by the client.


A payroll system is maintained in Academic sector or corporate sector to show the employee manifest in modules.
                                 *Developing of employee payslip.
                                 *Maintaining the Employee Personal details

1.3.Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions
The intended audiences for this document are:
·         The Employee
·         The administrative staff
·         The Manager

1.4.Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

             A payroll is the financial statement that shows the total amount of money to be paid to the people by a particular company.It”s an accompanying system that will calculate the amount due to employees after the necessary and deductions.
                      Acronyms          Abbreviations
                           PPS               Payroll Processing System
                           HRA              House Rending Allowance
                           PF                  Provident Fund
                           TA                  Travelling Allowance
                           JVM                Java Virtual Machine
                            DA                 Dearness Allowance    
2.Overall Description
2.1Product Perspective
         Payroll  Processing System is an employer database system which will be capable of doing the process of tax calculation, annual income status, payslip, cheque summary and MIS reports.
          It has three modules and they are
                     1. Employee details
                      2. Payslip
                      3. Employeee Enquiring
1) Employee details carries of employee joining information, Employee
probation details, Employee profile, Employee salary structure.
2) Paysliip encompasses of Employee name, Employee code, absent days,present days, Department.
3) Employee enquiring depicts of Employee name and EmpID.
2.2.Operating Environment
The product will be operating in windows environment.

3.System Features
3.1. Functional Requirements
          This section gives the list of Functional and non functional requirements which are applicable to the payroll Management System.

3.1.1 Interface Requirements
          This section describes how the software interfaces with other software products or users for input or output.

            Describes how this product interfaces with the user. Describes the graphical user interface if present. This section should include a set of screen dumps or mock-up to illustrate user interface features.
4.Non Functional Requirements
4.1. Hardware Interfaces
·         Operating System: Windows 9x/xp
·         Processor: Pentium 3.0 GHz or higher
·         RAM: 512 Mb or more
·         Hard Drive: 10 GB or more
4.2Software Interfaces
Database: Ms-Access
Front End: Visual Basic

4.3.Performance Requirements
       The proposed system that we are going to develop will be used as the Chief performance system within the different branches of the organization which interact with the college staff and management. Therefore, it is expected that the database would perform functionally all the requirements that are specified by the colleges.

4.4.Safety Requirements
    The database may get crashed at any certain time due to virus or operating system failure. Therefore, it is required to take the database backup.

4.5.Security Requirements
      We developed a secured database for the organization .There are different categories of employess namely full time employees, part-time employees, technical staffs etc., Depending upon the category of user the access rights are decided. It means if the user is an administrator then he can be able to modify the data,delete,append etc.,All other users other than administrator only have the rights to retrieve the information in the database.

UML Diagrams:

Use case diagram

Class Diagram

Sequence and collaboration diagram 1:

Sequence and collaboration diagram 2:

Sequence and collaboration diagram 3:

Sequence and collaboration diagram 4:

Sequence and collaboration diagram 5:

  Activity Diagram

Component diagram

Deployment diagram

Skeleton code

Option Explicit
Private basic As Variant

Private hra As Variant

Private da As Variant
Private pf As Variant

Private lic As Variant
Public Sub calc_net()
End Sub
Public Sub view_sal()
End Sub
Public Sub edit_sal()
End Sub
Public Sub deduce_fire()
End Sub
Public Sub view()
End Sub
Source Code:

FROM-1:Employee Details
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Private Sub Command1_Click()
rs("Name") = Text1.Text
rs("empid") = Val(Text2.Text)
rs("qulification") = Text3.Text
rs("experience") = Val(Text4.Text)
rs("dept") = Text5.Text
rs("salary") = Val(Text6.Text)
rs("designation") = Val(Text7.Text)
MsgBox " record added "
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
Text1.Text = rs("Name")
Text2.Text = rs("empid")
Text3.Text = rs("qulification")
Text4.Text = rs("experience")
Text5.Text = rs("dept")
Text6.Text = rs("salary")
Text7.Text = rs("designation")
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
Text1.Text = rs("Name")
Text2.Text = rs("empid")
Text3.Text = rs("qulification")
Text4.Text = rs("experience")
Text5.Text = rs("dept")
Text6.Text = rs("salary")
Text7.Text = rs("designation")
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
Text1.Text = rs("Name")
Text2.Text = rs("empid")
Text3.Text = rs("qulification")
Text4.Text = rs("experience")
Text5.Text = rs("dept")
Text6.Text = rs("salary")
Text7.Text = rs("designation")
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Set db = OpenDatabase("E:\exp5\pyrol.mdb")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("pyroll")
End Sub

FROM-2:Payroll Calculation
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim rs1 As Recordset
Private Sub Command1_Click()
While rs1.EOF = False
If Text1.Text = rs1("EmpID") Then
Text2.Text = rs1("Name")
Text3.Text = rs1("dept")
Text4.Text = rs1("salary")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
Text1.Text = (" ")
Text2.Text = (" ")
Text3.Text = (" ")
Text4.Text = (" ")
Text5.Text = (" ")
Text6.Text = (" ")
Text7.Text = (" ")
Text8.Text = (" ")
Text9.Text = (" ")
Text10.Text = (" ")
Text11.Text = (" ")
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
rs("empid") = Text1.Text
rs("name") = Text2.Text
rs("dept") = Text3.Text
rs("basicpay") = Val(Text4.Text)
Text6.Text = Val(Text4.Text) * 5 / 100
Text7.Text = Val(Text4.Text) * 10 / 100
Text8.Text = Val(Text4.Text) * 5 / 100
Text11.Text = Val(Text4.Text) + Val(Text6.Text) + Val(Text7.Text) + Val(Text8.Text)
rs("hra") = Text6.Text
rs("da") = Text7.Text
rs("gpf") = Text8.Text
rs("salary") = Text11.Text
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
Set db = OpenDatabase("E:\exp5\pyrol.mdb")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("payroll")
Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset("pyroll")
End Sub

Form3:Main Form
Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
End Sub


Employee Details

Payroll Calculation

Main Form


Problem Statement:
                                                Exam registration form is used to register exams.Here the details in application forms are viewed,then the user fills the form and submit it to administration

Project Scope:
To analyse exam registration system design usecase class,sequence,collaboration diagram using rational rise enterprise edition

Problem Analysis:
                                                The applicant fill the form with relevant details.Then the administration checks whether the details are correct and then report to database.
                                                The details about exam registration in stored in database.

                                                The exam registration helps the applicant fill the form with relevant details.

                                                This system is developed by rational rose enterprise edition.


Use case diagram:

Class diagram:

Sequence diagram:

Collaboration diagram:

Component diagram:

Activity diagram:

Deployment diagram

Skeleton code

Option Explicit

Private reservation As Variant

Private name As Variant

Private train_no As Variant

Private time As Variant

Public NewProperty As database

Public Sub cancel()

End Sub

Option Explicit

Private train_no As Variant

Private train_name As Variant

Private destination As Variant

Private dept_time As Variant

Private arrival_time As Variant

Public Sub update()

End Sub

Public Sub view()        End Sub

Option Explicit

Private train_no As Variant

Private train_name As Variant

Private destination As Variant

Private dept_time As Variant

Private arrival_time As Variant

Public Sub update()

End Sub

Public Sub view()

End Sub


Problem Statement:
            Credit Card System deals with the transaction between client and database.Client submit the credit card with details like name,pin no:,etc.Then credit card controller withdraw the details.

Project Scope:
            To analyse credit card system,design use case diagram,class diagram,sequence and collaboration diagram using rational rise enterprise edition.

Problem Anaylse:
            The client submit credit card with name & pin no. Credit card controlled checks these details. The transaction is reviewed by details take amount, balance, etc. Finally the details are submitted to the database.

            The system helps in credit card with amount transaction.

            The credit card system is developed using rational rose enterprise edition.


Use case diagram

Class diagram

Sequence diagram:

Collaboration diagram

Activity diagram

Component diagram

Deployment diagram

Skeleton code:

Option Explicit

Private name As varient

Private pinno As varient

Private login As varient

Public Sub withdraw()

End Sub

Public Sub pino2()

End Sub

Public Sub login2()

End Sub

Option Explicit

Private number As varient

Private type As varient

Public Sub valid_transaction()

End Sub

Option Explicit

Private cust_namr As varient

Private acc_no As varient

Public Sub maintain_info()

End Sub

Option Explicit

Private amt As varient

Private blnc As varient

Private crdt_blnc As varient

Public Sub get_det()

End Sub


Problem Statement:                           
          Foreign Trading System involves details about the export and import of materials.This project provides the complete information about various products exported and imported.This foreign trading system deals with import/export of products and its values

Project Scope:
            To analyse foreign trading system,design use case diagram,class diagram,sequence and collaboration diagram using rational rise enterprise edition.

Problem Anaylse:
            Foreign exchange system checks these details. The exchange is reviewed by details take import, export, etc. Finally the details are submitted to the database.

            The main objective is the exchange of foreign products

            The foreign trading system is developed using rational rose enterprise edition.

UML Diagrams
Use Case Diagram

Class Diagram

Sequence Diagram

Collaboration Diagram

Activity Diagram

Component diagram

Deployment diagram
Skeleton code:

Option Explicit

Private name As variant

Private pinno As variant

Private login As variant

Public Sub withdraw()

End Sub

Public Sub pino2()

End Sub

Public Sub login2()

End Sub

Option Explicit

Private number As variant

Private type As variant

Public Sub valid_transaction()

End Sub

Option Explicit

Private cust_namr As variant

Private acc_no As variant

Public Sub maintain_info()

End Sub

Option Explicit

Private amt As variant

Private blnc As variant

Private crdt_blnc As variant

Public Sub get_det()

End Sub

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