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Saturday, April 27, 2013

IT 63 - Web Technology QUESTION BANK

NATCHATRAN-Dazzling in front of World
Subject Code & Name: IT63 – Web Technology
Computer Science and Engineering
Prepared by: PREM ANANDH.J
1.      Define IP Addressing
2.      Distinguish between internet and www (April/May 08)
3.      Define protocol. What protocols are used to retrieve data from internet? (April/May 08)
4.      How is the cascaded style sheet linked to the HTML PAGE? (April/May 08)
5.      What is Computer Network?
6.      What is Domain Name Space?
7.      Define WWW
8.      What is Client-Server Communication?
9.      What is the difference between node and host?
10.  What is the purpose of routers?
11.  Define protocol.
12.  What is web server? Notes on Tomcat Web Server? (Nov/Dec 11)
13.   What is relative URLs? Give syntax of relative URLs ? (Nov/Dec 11)
14.  Why are the protocols layered?
15.  Define encapsulation.
16.  Define port.
17.  What do you mean by well-known ports?
18.  What is meant by Name Resolution?
19.  Define protocol tunneling.
20.  Define URI, URL, URN.
21.  Define URI. (April/May 11)
22.  State the use of web server logs and list the contents of a message log. (April/May 11)
23.  What are the components of HTTP URL?
24.  Define URL encoding.
25.  What are the issues of next generation IP?
26.  What is the difference between TCP and UDP?
27.  What does ICMP provide?
28.  Define IGMP.
29.  List the goals of SGML.
30.  What is the role of server?
31.  What are the necessities of using HTML forms?
32.  What are the sequences of steps for each HTTP request from a client to the server?
33.  Define MIME.
34.  List the predefined MIME content types.
35.  Define CGI -Common Gateway Interface.
36.  Write a note on Internet Information Server (IIS).
37.  What are ISAPI (Internet Server API) and NSAPI (Netscape Server API)
38.  What is API -Application Program Interface?
39.  What do you understand about DOCTYPE in HTML?
40.  How Cell Padding is differing from Cell Spacing?
41.  How you define index document?
42.  How you define HEAD in HTML?
43.  How to link the Images with in HTML?
44.  How you define href, target and name attributes?
45.  What are the Hyperlink, Anchors and Link in the HTML?
46.  Distinguish between a HTML hyperlink and anchor. (April/May 08)
47.  What are the Deprecated Tags and Attributes?
48.  How you define HTML Style Attribute in HTML
49.  What do you understand about DOCTYPE in HTML?
50.  How Cell Padding is differ from Cell Spacing
51.  HTML is case sensitive or not?
52.  How you understand about Forms output?
53.  How you use Form's Action Attribute and Submit Button in HTML?
54.  How to create a fixed background image on a web page? (April/May 09)
55.  How we define “Src” Attribute and Alt Attribute in HTML?
56.  How to use Line Break and Horizontal Line tags in HTML?
57.  List out the various web browsers that are commonly used.
58.  Write the basic structure of HTTP Request and Response Message Structure
59.  Sketch the Web Browser and Server Communication
60.  Write the Structure of HTML.
61.  List out the version of HTML.
62.  Write the types of XHTML DTD.
63.  Write the difference between XHTML and HTML
64.  Write the basic document structure of XHTML.
65.  What is HTML?
66.  List the HTTP Method
67.  List out some of Basic Internet Protocols.
1.      Explain about Internet servers.
2.      Explain the elements of WWW.
3.      Write a DHTML for binding data to a table element. (8 Marks) (April/May 10)
4.      (i) Explain World Wide Web (8)
 (ii)Explain various protocol used in technologies   (8) (Nov/Dec 11)
5.      Discuss about the client/server strategies in Internet.
6.      Explain in detail the working of the following Internet Protocols
        (i) TCP/IP                   [8]
        (ii)HTTP                    [8] (April/May 11)
7.      Write about the installation, configuration, deployment and invoking of server objects of an Apache web server. (April/May 09, 8M)
8.       i. With an example, explain the client – server model indicating all the interactions that take   place between the client and the server.
 ii. What is FTP? What are its salient features? (April/May 08, 16M)
9.      What is FTP? Describe about it.
10.  Write short notes on HTTP and MIME protocol. (April/May 09, 12M)
11.  Write short notes on SMTP and POP3 protocol. (April/May 09, 12M)
12.  Explain POP3 protocol in detail.
13.  Explain briefly the IIS web server. (8 Marks) (April/May 10)
14.  Briefly explain the operational scenario of SMTP protocol.
15.  Explain HTML forms in detail along with form elements, attributes & methods
16.  How does the internet work, brief with a sample application.
17.  (i) List and explain any four HTML elements in detail.          [8]
 (ii)State the types of lists supported by HTML and  explain them in detail. [8] (April/May 11,16M)
18.  (i) Explain about basic XHTML syntax and semantics  (12)
 (ii)Explain difference between HTML and XHTML          (4) (Nov/Dec 11)
19.  Explain in detail about HTTP Request and Response.
20.  Describe in detail about HTML with an example.
21.  With a suitable example explain the form tag and all the related form elements. (April/May 08, 16M)
22.  Write an XHTML program to view student marks
23.  Discuss in detail about XHTML with an example.
24.  Write an HTML program for user registration form
25.   Create a HTML document that includes 2 rows of frames with 2 frames in each row. The two left frames must occupy 25% of the width of the display. The bottom 2 frames must occupy 40% of the height of the display. The top left frame must display the name of your mother and all of her siblings (min2). The bottom left frame must display the name of your father and all of his siblings (min2). Each name in the left frames must be a link to a document that is displayed in the right frame when the link is selected. The documents in the right frames are short descriptions of the people.
26.   Create a HTML form for taking sales orders for popcorn. Three text boxes are used at the top of the form to collect the buyers name and address. These are placed in a borderless table to force the text boxes to align vertically. A second table is used to collect the actual order. Each row of this table names a product with the content, displays the price and uses a text box with size set to 2 to collect the quantity ordered. The payment method is input by the user through one of the four radio buttons. You must have event handlers for the form elements that collect this information that check the input data for correctness. Messages in alert windows must be produced when error are detected. 
27.  Consider a web based voting system. Create a HTML page to list all constituencies available in a given city. Selection of a constituency needs to display the details of party name, candidate name and a radio button contesting in that constituency. Allow the voter to vote for a specific candidate by choosing the radio button. 
1.      What is CSS?
2.      List out the rules for writing CSS.
3.      Define Cascading
4.      Write the various approaches of CSS.
5.      List down the ways of including style information in a document. Define cascading
6.      How is the cascaded style sheet linked to the HTML PAGE? (April/May 08)
7.      Give the syntax to specify a characteristic in linked style sheet.
8.      List down font characteristics permitted in style sheets.
9.      Mention the need for cascading style sheets. (April/May 11)
10.  Explain array creation in Java script with example. (April/May 11)
11.  Write a note on content positioning characteristic "Visibility".
12.  List out the properties of CSS.
13.  List down the way of including style information in a document. (Nov/Dec 11)
14.  (i) Explain the global functions of Java Script. (8 Marks) (April/May 10)
15.   (ii) Write a Java Script to find and print the largest and smallest values among 10 elements of an array. (8 Marks) (April/May 10)
16.  Write the difference between Linked and Embedded Style Sheet.
17.  Define Java Script.
18.  How to declaring the variable in Java Script?.
19.  How can I repeatedly execute a code in JavaScript? (April/May 09)
20.  Develop DHTML page to mouse over the two squares and the background color will change according to the color of squares. (April/May 09)
21.  Write the syntax for Java Script.
22.  How to create an Object in JavaScript ?
23.  Write a script to display the position of mouse click. (Nov/Dec 11)
24.  Write short notes on scripting languages. a) VBscript            b) JavaScript
25.  Differentiate between Java and JavaScript.
26.  Write the origin of Java Script.
27.  Mention the purpose of isNAN Function and also give an example for it.
28.  Mention the purpose of ParseInt Function and also give an example for it.
29.  How can you monitor user events? (April/May 08)
30.  Design DHTML page that will display an alert box with the x and y coordinates of the cursor clicks inside the page. (April/May 09)
31.  What do you mean by Event-Driven Computation?
32.  Write the difference between Primitive and Object Data Type.
33.  What is Implicit Type Conversion?
34.  What is the result of below given line of code in Java Script? 5+4+'7
35.  What is undefined value means in JavaScript?
36.  Which method is used to Clear an array using JavaSctipt?
37.  Mention the benefits of java scripts. (April/May 10)
38.   Name the methods and properties of window object in java script. (April/May 10)
39.   Define Event Bubbling. (April/May 10)
40.   What is the use of Blur Filter? (April/May 10)
41.   Give the importance of a Real One Player Object. (April/May 10)
42.   What is the need for Client Side Scripting? (April/May 10)
43.  What will be the Output of the following using JavaScript
44.  Which of the following is not considered a JavaScript keyword?
45.  What should appear at the very end of your JavaScript?
The <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">tag
46.  For generating random numbers we have to used the following function?
47.  What does is Nan function do?
48.  What Boolean operators are not supported by JavaScript?
49.  How to create an Object in JavaScript ?
50.  How to get value from RadioButtonList control?
51.  List out some of Screen output keyboard input.
52.  Write the types of Popup Boxes.
53.  List out the Standard Objects in Java Script.
1.      Explain the concept of CSS and its uses with an example.
2.      Write notes on
       (i)  CSS border style properties                    (6)
       (ii) CSS Text properties                               (6)
       (iii)CSS Box model                                      (4) (Nov/Dec 11)
3.      (i) List and explain in detail the various selector strings.      [8]
(ii)Explain the features of cascading style sheets.                     [8] (April/May 11)
4.      Explain the following
a.       Write a Java Script program to find largest among 5 numbers.
b.      Write a Java Script program to create Popup box, alert and confirm box.
5.      Discuss in detail about Java Script.
6.      (i) Write a java script program to randomly display   image from image pool.     (8)
 (ii)Design your own personal web page using forms and get the value, use all the form elements and validating the same using the script.  (8) (Nov/Dec 11)
7.      (i) State and explain the types of statements in Java script.   [8]
 (ii)Explain how functions can be written in Java script with an example.   [8] (April/May 11)
8.      Design a DHTML page to insert a background image to a textarea, when there is mouse over on these images and the textarea will get a background image. (April/May 09, 10M)
9.      Design a web calculator that works like a real physical calculator. The calculator must   perform atleast 8 different mathematical functions. (April/May 08, 16M)
10.   (i)Design a DHTML page to create drop down menu with three menus and on Mouse over. (10)
 (ii)Design a DHTML page to create images and gradients. (6) (April/May 09, 16M)
11.  Write short notes on the following a). Operators in Java Script b). Variable and Data type.
12.  Explain the following
a.       Write a Java Script program to print the numbers from 0 to 50. b. Write a Java Script program to create table.
13.  Explain in detail about Array with an example of Positive and negative numbers.
14.  a. Write a program in java script for dynamic positioning of text in the page. (08)
b. Write a program in java script to create multiple frames and also access the object in other frames. (08)
15.   a. Write a program in java script to indirect the users using the navigator object. (08)
b. Write a program in java script for on-click event. (08)
16.  Create on-line recruitment form of an ABC Company and perform validation, Using JavaScript.Name, DOB (list), Phone No, Sex(radio), Address, E-mail, Highest Qualification, Branch, Percentage of marks. Validations: If Highest qualification B.E / B.Tech CSE/IT and percentage of marks is above 75 % then display Mr./Ms (name), the information provided by you has been registered with us. Else display Mr./Ms (name), the information provided by you is not registered. 
17.  Add two elements that users can click. Use the abc.gif image file as the first element. When the user clicks the image, display an alert dialog box with the text “you clicked the image.” For the second element, create a one-row table containing a text string. Set the table border to one. When the user clicks the table element, display an alert dialog box containing “you clicked the table”.

18.   Develop a JavaScript program that will determine whether a department-store customer has exceeded the credit limit on a charge account. For each customer, the following facts are available: Account number, Balance at the beginning of the month, Total of all items charged by this customer this month, Total of all credits applied to this customer's account this month and Allowed credit limit. The program should input each of these facts from prompt dialogs as integers, calculate the new balance (= beginning balance + charges – credits), display the new balance and determine whether the new balance exceeds the customer's credit limit. For customers whose credit limit is exceeded, the program should output HTML text that displays the message “Credit limit exceeded.” 
210.   An integer is said to be prime if it is divisible by only 1 and itself. For example, 2, 3, 5 and 7 are prime, but 4, 6, 8 and 9 are not. Write a function that determines whether a number is prime. Use this function in a script that determines and prints all the prime numbers between 1 and 10,000. Display the results in a .
21.  Write a Java Script program to create user registration form.

1.      What is DOM?
2.      Write the history of DOM.
3.      List out the levels of DOM.
4.      List out the some of basic terminologies used in DOM tree.
5.      How to access the element in Java Script?
6.      Write the difference between Event and Event Handling.
7.      How to create text box and button in DOM?
8.      Write the few of events and tags in DOM.
9.      What are the DOM methods?  (Nov/Dec 11)
10.  List out the phases of DOM2.
11.  Define Event Propagation.
12.  What is Event Handler Registration?
13.  Compare DTD and XML schema. (April/May 10)
14.   What are Cookies? (April/May 10)
15.  Explain in brief the interaction between a web server and a Servlet. (April/May 11)
16.  List some HTML intrinsic attributes. (April/May 11)
17.  List any two types of web servers with its application usage. (April/May 09)
18.  Differentiate between Applets and Servlets.
19.  What do you meant by server side programming? (Nov/Dec 11)
20.  Write the uses of Servlets.
21.  How Servlet Works?
22.  What is remote method invocation? (April/May 08)
23.  Differentiate HTTP and Generic Servlet. (April/May 09)
24.  How to execute Servlet?
25.  Write the Life Cycle of Servlet.
26.  List out the Servlet API.
27.  Difference between HTTP-GET and POST requests.
28.  What is Cookies and its uses?
29.  Define JDBC.
30.  How JDBC work?
31.  Sketch Role of JDBC.
32.  List out the components of JDBC architecture.
1.      Explain in detail about DOM.
2.      Explain about Document object model.    (16) (Nov/Dec 11,16 M)
3.      Write short notes on the following a. Events, Attributes and Tags b. DOM2 event model.
4.      (i) Discuss the four important methods of HTTP servlet class. (8 Marks)
(ii) Write a servlet program to display a 'welcome' message on the client system. (8 Marks) (April/May 10)
5.      (i) Explain about the document tree in detail.      [8]
 (ii)Explain DOM event handling in detail.           [8] (April/May 11)
6.      Explain the Servlet operation in detail with a sample Servlet program.  [16] (April/May 11)
7.      Describe in detail about Servlet.
8.      Write a program to check for an authentication where the matching information is stored in a database using Java servlets. (April/May 09, 10M)
9.      Explain the Servlet operation in detail with a sample Servlet program.  [16] (April/May 11)
10.  Given the employ code write a java serve let to retrieve the name and designation of an employee from the database. (10) (April/May 08, 8M)
11.  Explain the following
a.       Write short notes on JDBC .
b.      Write a servlet program to display the message by using Cookies.
12.  Explain in detail about Servlet Database Connectivity with an example of Student database.
13.  Write short notes on
  (i) Java servlet                                    (8)
 (ii)Cookies and session                      (8) (Nov/Dec 11)
14.  With a suitable example, explain the steps involved in establishing a JDBC connectivity. (April/May 08, 16M)
15.  Describe in detail about HTTP-GET and POST requests.
16.  Describe the servlet architecture and the various interfaces invoked by the servlet container.
17.   Write a servlet program that handles HTTP get request containing data that is supplied by the user as part of the request.
18.  Develop a servlet to display a different content each time a user visits a page.
19.  Discuss the following
a.       Write a servlet for creating Student Entry form. b. Write a servlet for creating Department details.
1.      Define XML.
2.      Write the use of XML.
3.      Write the rules for writing XML.
4.      List out the versions of XML
5.      What is Namespaces?
6.      Why DTD's? (April/May 09)
7.      Define DTD.
8.      What is the XMLHttpRequest Object?
9.      What is XSL-FO?
10.  What is XSL-FO Documents? Explain XSL-FO Documents structure.
11.  What is XSL-FO Processors?
12.  Write the Merits and Demerits of DTD.
13.  How AJAX works?
14.  What is meant by a XML namespace? (April/May 11)
15.  Explain in brief about Java scriplet. (April/May 11)
16.  Define XML DOM.
17.  How to create node tree in hierarchical representation of XML.
18.  Differentiate between DOM and SAX.
19.  What are the roles of XSLT?
20.  What is XSLT? Explain its relationships with XSL.
21.  What is XSLT stylesheet?
22.  How to create XSL Style sheet?
23.  Discuss the role of XPATH.
24.  Explain the XSLT data model.
25.  Define JavaBeans. (Nov/Dec 11)
26.   What are tag libraries in JSP? (Nov/Dec 11)
27.  List out the parts of XSL.
28.  Sketch processing of XSLT document.
29.  Define JSP.
30.  Write the Anatomy of JSP Page.
31.  List the steps involved in JSP request(April/May 09)
32.  Write the Working of JSP;
33.  List the scripting components of JSP. (April/May 10)
34.  What is JSTL?.
35.  List out the core tag in JSTL.
36.  What are all the steps involved in JSP-MS access Connectivity?
37.  Define Session Tracking.
38.  Write the various scope bean and JSP.
1.      Explain in detail about XML with an example.
2.      Describe in detail about XML DOM with an example of Students details.
3.      (i)Why should namespaces be used in XML? Explain with an example. (8 Marks)
 (ii) Discuss briefly the various XML Dom methods. (8 Marks) (April/May 10)
4.      Create a XML document to store voter ID, voter name, address and date of birth details. Create a DTD to validate the document.
5.      Explain how XML parser works? Write a XML document for displaying your contact details (address, e-mail, mobile no, etc)?
6.      Explain how XML parser works?
Design an XML to maintain book details to do the following:
            (i) Separate Data
           (ii) Exchange Data
           (iii) Store Data
(iv) Create new language. (April/May 09, 16M)
7.      (i) List and explain the XML syntax rules in detail.[8]
 (ii)Explain how a XML document can be displayed on a browser.       [8] (April/May 11)
8.      Explain in detail the XML schema, built in and user defined data type in detail.  [16] (April/May 11,16M)
9.      (i)Write a Servlet program to Open a text file for reading it from the client side. (10)
(ii)How JSP work? Explain it with an example. (6) (April/May 09, 16M)
10.  Design a JSP to builds a table of contents from the client side. (6) (April/May 08, 8M)
11.  Write short notes on the following
a. DOM and SAX
b.      DOM based XML processing.
12.  Explain in detail about JSP with an example of currents date and simple message.
13.     i. what is DTD. What are its uses, write the DTD for a given schema. (April/May 08, 8M)
   ii. Explain any one of the objects in JSP. (April/May 08, 8M)
14.  (i) Explain XSLT with example  (8)
(ii)Explain XPath with example (8) (Nov/Dec 11)
15.  Discuss in detail about Action elements in JSP with an example of display current time and color.
16.  With a suitable example explain the system and software requirements for an online application (April/May 08, 16M)
17.  Describe in detail about JSTL with an example of print natural numbers from 1 to 100.
18.  State and explain the information in a JSP document in detail.      [16]  (April/May 11,16M)
19.  (i) Describe the features of JSP with example     (8)
(ii)What does JSP scripting component includes? Explain with program. (8) (Nov/Dec 11)
20.  Explain the various standard actions of JSP. (16 Marks) (April/May 10)
21.  Develop a JSP page to display a different image each time a user visits a page and the images are links.
22.   Develop a JSP to find the type, capabilities and version of each browser that visits your site.
23.  What does JSP scripting component include? Explain with a program.
24.  Describe JSP Actions.
25.  Write short notes on Script lets with an example of check the given value is odd or even.
26.  Explain about JSP-MS Access Connectivity with examples of Employee Entry form.

1.      What is Web Services with example?
2.      How to installing JWSDP?
3.      How to writing the We4b-Service?
4.      What is WSDL?
5.      List out the elements in WSDL.
6.      What is the primary purpose of an HTTP get request? (April/May 10)
7.      How to representing data types in XML schema.
8.      How to write Simple Schema?
9.      Write some of the Advantage and disadvantage of Schema.
10.  List out data types that are available in Web-Service.
11.  Define Complex types.
12.  Write the steps for Empty Element.
13.  What is SOAP? Define SOAP structures. (Nov/Dec 11)
14.   What are the types of web services and its uses? (Nov/Dec 11)
15.  What is meant by WSDL? (April/May 11)
16.   Define Serialization. (April/May 11)
17.  Sketch the Structure of SOAP.
18.  What is SOAP?
19.  What is WSDL?
20.  What is a Web service?
21.  What is UDDI?
22.  Does the W3C support any Web service standards?
23.  What is new about Web services?
24.  How to storing Java Objects as Files?
25.  Differentiate between SOAP and HTTP.
26.  What is Indicators?
27.  List out the types of Indicators.
1.      Write short notes on the following
a.       JAX-RPC concepts.                b. Steps for creating the Web-Services.
2.      Explain in detail about writing the Web-Service and Java Web Service Client.
3.      (i) Explain the JDBC database access in detail.     [8]
 (ii) Explain the SOAP elements in detail.           [8] (April/May 11)
4.      i) Explain the structure of WSDL?     (8)
ii)Develop the web pages for railway reservation system using Web services.(8) (Nov/Dec 11)
5.      Describing Web-Services in WSDL with an example.
(i) Write short notes on JAX.                       (8) (Nov/Dec 11)
(ii)Write XML Schema with an example.       (8) (Nov/Dec 11)
6.      Explain in detail about Data Types in Web-Services.
7.      Discuss in detail bout XML Schema with an example.
8.      Write short notes on Complex types in Web-Services.