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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Question Bank - CS2041-C# and .NET Framework

CS2041-C# and .NET Framework
Perpared by: J.PREM ANANDH, AP/CSE
PART-A (2 Mark)
1.      Explain in detail about the activities of CLR.
2.      What are the advantages of using .NET?
3.      What is .NET?
4.      What are boxing and unboxing
5.      Define  a)Abstraction  b)Encapsulation
  1. Differentiate value and reference parameters with an example.
7.      Explain about various Namespaces of .NET framework.
8.      Differentiate arraylist from arrays.
9.      What do you mean by Jagged Arrays?
10.  Give examples where fallthrough is allowed and is not allowed in the switch
11.   List out the different types of applications that can be created on .NET.
12.   Find the error in the program segment
class A
                static void Method (out int p)
                Static void Main()
                                int value;
13.  Briefly explain all the control structures in C#.
14.  Distinguish between ref and out parameters
15.  Explain in detail about various operators available in C#.
16.  Explain about Enumerators and structures in C#. 
17.  What is structure?  How it is created in C#?
18.  Is it possible to have two Main() in a C# code? If so, how is it resolved?
19.  Differentiate class and structure
20.  Tabulate the difference between regular and jagged arrays
PART – B (16 Mark)
1.      Explain the OOP Concepts briefly and list the advantage and applications of OOP(16)
2.      Briefly explain all the control structures in C#.(16)
3.       i. Write a simple program for Input and Output Operations of C#(8)
ii. what is mean by Expressions in C# ? Explain.
4.      Explain briefly about .NET architecture with neat diagram. (16)
5.      i. List out the various value and reference types supported in C#(8)
ii. What is a jagged array? Explain its use with simple example. (8)
6.      i. Explain in detail about various operators available in C#. (8)
ii. (8)
7.      i. Explain the execution model of the .NET framework (6)
ii. Describe the components of the .NET framework and explain the features of each component.(10)
8.      i. Write a C# code to find the sum of all the elements of jagged array. (8)
 ii. Write a C# code to compare two strings using “Equals” method.            (8)
9.      i. Consider a class distance which stores a distance value using kilometer and meter. Overload the +operator to add two distance objects. (8)
ii. What is a delegate? Explain with an example. (8)
10.  i. Explain briefly about arrays in C# language (8)
ii. What is structure? Explain. (8)
PART-A (2 Mark)
  1. What is method overloading?
  2. What is polymorphism?  How it is achieved?
  3. What do you mean by abstract methods and classes?
  4. What is inheritance?
  5. What is read-only property?
  6. What is hiding a method?
  7. What is mean by early binding and late binding?
  8. What is multicast delegate?
  9. What is interface?  How it is defined in C#?
  10. What is the use of indexer?  Write the syntax for indexer?
  11. What do you mean by operator overloading?
  12. Explain the syntax for unary and binary operator overloading.
  13. Explain with examples the purpose of Constructor/Destructor
  14. Write syntax for creating a derived class in C# with description.
15.  What is the use of ‘new’ in inheritance?
16.  What is the use of static constructor?
17.  Define Property.
18.  Whare are the operators can be overloaded by C#?
19.  What are the advantages of Polymorphism?
20.  What is an event?
PART – B (16 Mark)
1.      Explain about interfaces in C#.(16)
2.      Explain in detail about Inheritance with example. (16)
3.      Discuss about inheritance and polymorphism in detail. (16)
4.      Explain in detail about the concept of operator overloading with example. (16)
5.      What is interface in C#? Explain briefly.
6.      Explain the concept of Indexer with example program
7.      Explain the concept of Namespace and indexers. (16)
8.      Explain briefly Publish/Subscribe Design Pattern.
9.      Write a C# program to perform addition and subtraction using operator overloading
10.  Briefly explain about Method Overloading with example.

PART-A (2 Mark)
1.      What are threads? How are they useful?
2.       Give the two categories of File Operations.
3.       List the Operations of Queue.
4.       What is binary search tree?
5.       Define Graph and Directed Graph.
6.       Define stack with its operations.
7.       Give the members of FileMode Enumerators.
8.       What is called stream in C#?
9.       What is called BinaryReader and BinaryWriter Class?
10.   Explain the Process based and thread based Multitasking.
11.   List out the classes in the System.Threading Namespace.
12.   Give the methods of Thread class.
13.   Define thread Pool.
14.   Give the uses of the Multithreading.
15.   List any four Properties of Thread class.
16.   List out the states in Thread.
17.   What are the features of sleep method?
18.   In what way the mutex class is different from monitor class.
19.   What are the applications of stack?
20.   Define Minimum spanning tree.
PART – B (16 Mark)
1.      Explain in detail threads and their synchronization.
2.      Explain all kinds of stream oriented operations in c#.
3.      Explain the multiple thread creation with a program.
4.      Write a Program to explain the thread priorities in c#.
5.      Explain about the file management operations for directory with a program.
6.      Explain the minimum spanning tree with the kruskal’s algorithm.
7.      Explain about the tree traversal with a c# Program.
8.      Explain the following with example. A) Monitor b) Mutex c) Lock.
9.      Explain about the stack data structure with a program.
10.   i ) Write about the file handling operations in c#.
     ii ) Write and explain about the queue with its operations.

PART-A (2 Mark)
1.      Define simple and complex data binding.
2.      Give the advantages of XML.
3.      What is the role of XML in .NET?
4.      List out the Namespaces which exposes the classes and interfaces used in .net data access.
5.      Define Data set.
6.      Differentiate between connected and disconnected model.
7.      Explain ACID rule of thumb for transactions.
8.      What is ExecuteNonQuery?
9.      Define Connection string.
10.  Explain the DataReader object.
11.  What are the advantages of ADO.NET Model?
12.  Define data tables and data columns.
13.  Define Data adapter.
14.  Define ADO.NET Object model.
15.  Differentiate between data reader and data set.
16.  Define XSD.
17.  How do ADO.NET connected and disconnected models differ from each other?
18.  Mention the syntax of DataGridView class.
19.  When the XPath Document is used?
20.  Give any two differences between the XmlReader and XmlNodeReader.
21.  Give the uses of XML.
22.  What kinds of documents are generated by the XSLT Processor?
23.  What is the need for serialization in XML?

PART – B (16 Mark)
1.      Write an application to explain about simple and complex data binding.
2.      Create an employee database and explain how data can be accessed from the database using the ADO.NET.
3.      Write a database application to display the details of student table details in a datagrid control.
4.      Briefly explain about the ADO.NET with its two kinds of architecture.
5.      Briefly explain about the ADO.NET disconnected model.
6.      Explain about the DataReader object and command object with an example program.
  1. What is XPath? Explain briefly how XPath is useful for Searching XML Documents? 8)
8.      Explain the XML File creation using serialization.
9.      Explain about the search XML using XPath in detail.
10.  Explain the XML Schema validation using a simple program.
11.  i) Write notes on XML. ii)Write notes on ADO.NET object model.

PART-A (2 Mark)
1.      Define WSDL.
2.      Define SOAP.
3.      How the SOAP ensures the security?
4.      Give the two types of Remoting.
5.      What is called Marshaling by value?
6.      What is called Marshaling by Reference?
7.      Define remoting.
8.      List out the advantages of the AppDomains.
9.      Define Leasing.
10.  What is an Assembly?
11.  Define the four policy levels in .net security.
12.  What are the two conditions in the shared assembly?
13.  Define Global Assembly Cache (GAC).
14.  Define Marshaling.
15.  What is called sponsorship in remoting?
16.  What is web service?
17.  What is the use of web service directive?
18.  Define Amazon web service.
19.  Whether the web service supports the complex data types or not?
20.  Define UDDI.

PART – B (16 Mark)

1.      (i) What is reflection? Explain its use with example. (8)
 (ii) What is remoting? Explain the steps involved in the process of creating remoting application. (8)
2.      Explain the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).
3.      Explain the web service description with the WSDL Structure.
4.       Explain the following a) Application Domains b) Remoting.
5.      Explain about the Leasing and sponsorship with example.
6.      Write notes on the following: (i) Assemblies (ii) .NET coding design guidelines.
7.      Write a note on Marshaling and Reflection.
8.      Write short notes on (i) complex data types in web services (ii) Amazon web services.
9.      Write short notes on (i) SOAP (ii) WSDL.
10.  Explain building a server with example.
11.  Explain briefly about remoting Architecture. The steps involved in the process of creating remoting application.(10)
12.  a) Explain the steps required for building the web services by hand. Give a  suitable example with code and diagrams.(10)
13.  b) Explain about Web service performance. What are the factors affecting performance of a web service?(6)

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