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-Natchatran(Prem Anandh.J)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

IT2043 -Knowledge Management - Question Bank

Natchatran - Dazzling in front of world  ##  Prepared by: PREM ANANDH.J
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
IT2043 - Knowledge Management

1.      What is meant by KM?
2.      Differentiate KM & Intellectual capital.
3.      Define KM?
4.      Differentiate between internet & an intranet
5.      Differentiate trust & knowledge sharing.
6.      Distinguish between Knowledge & Common sense.
7.      Distinguish between Experience & heuristics.
8.      Distinguish between learning by example & learning by discovery.
9.      What are Relationships between knowledge & information?
10.  What are Relationships between knowledge & data?
11.  What is the difference between tacit & explicit Knowelege.Give an example.
1.   Explain about ten KM Myths.(8)
2.   Briefly Explain about the KM Lifecycle.(8)
3.    Explain about Understanding knowledge.(8)
4.   Briefly  Explain about Human thinking & learning.(8)
5.   Explain about Types of knowledge with neat diagram.(16)
6.   Describe about Cognition and KM (8)
7.   Write about Expert Knowledge (8)
8.   Explain about Types of knowledge with neat diagram.(10)
9.   Describe about Understanding Knowledge (6)
10.   Explain about Human Thinking and Learning (8)

1.      Why it is helpful to view the building of a KM system as a lifecycle?
2.      Distinguish between verification & validation.
3.      Distinguish between knowledge developer & system analyst.
4.      How do users differ from experts?
5.      What is rapid prototyping?
6.      What is meant by people core of knowledge architecture?
7.      What is knowledge creation?
8.      Define consistency.
9.      How knowledge is create & transferred via teams.
10.  Explain the main impediments to knowledge sharing.
11.  What is the difference between an intranet & an extranet?
12.  Difference between usability & portability.
  1. Define about KMSLS
  2. Distinguish between verification & validation?
  3. Distinguish between an intranet & an extranet?

1.      Explain about knowledge creation & knowledge architecture.(16)
2.      Explain about conventional Vrs KMSLS.(8)
3.      Explain about Expert Knowledge.(8)
4.      Explain about Technology layers.(16)
5.      Explain about the differences and similarities of conventional system VS KMSLC. Explain about KMSLC with neat diagram (16)
6.      Describe the Challenges in Building KM Systems (8)
7.      Briefly Explain about Knowledge Architecture (8)
8.      Briefly explain about – Nonaka’s Model of Knowledge Creation and Transformation(8)
9.      Explain rapid prototyping.(8)
1.      Define about capturing knowledge
2.      What is meant by knowledge capture?
3.      What is black boarding?
4.      Write about electronics brainstorming
5.      What is the process of brainstorming?
6.      Define decision tables & trees.
7.      What is meant Grid and Repertory grid?
8.      Write about the qualifications of Experts.
9.      How to understand the experience?
10.  What is meant by Analogies and Uncertainty
11.  How would one identify Expertise?
12.  What are the Skills Requirements knowledge developer
  1. List out the drawback of Approaching multiple experts

1.      Explain the concept of evaluating the expert.(16)
2.      How to develop a relationship with expert?(8)
3.      Briefly the concept of brainstorming.(8)
4.      Briefly explain Repertory Grid (6)
5.      Knowledge Capturing Techniques (8)
6.      How to Develop a Relationship with Experts (10)
7.      why should the Knowledge developer understand the differences among the level of Experts? Isn’t an an expert an expert regardless of level?   (6)
8.      Explain about Fuzzy Reasoning and the Quality of Knowledge (8)
9.      Discuss about Protocol Analysis (8)

1.      Define Deployment.
2.      What is mean by knowledge codification?
3.      Difference between Logical & User Acceptance Testing.
4.      What is meant by Face Validity?
5.      What is the need for testing?
6.      What are techniques used in User Acceptance Testing?
7.      List out the main issues related to Deployment.
8.      What are the levels of user training & Deployment?
9.      Who is Knowledge based agent?
10.  What is the use of Knowledge map?
11.  What is mean by Case-Based Reasoning
12.  Write the Role of inferencing
13.  What is the necessary of codification?

1.      Briefly explain about  Codification Tools and Procedures (16)     
2.      What are the goal of logical testing & User Acceptance Testing.(16)  \
3.      Explain about Concept Mapping (8)
4.      What is the Modes of Knowledge Conversion (8)
5.      Briefly explain about Knowledge Developer’s Skill Sets (8)
6.      What are the goal of logical testing & User Acceptance Testing.(16)
7.      Briefly discuss about Approaches to Logical Testing (8)
8.      What is mean by User Acceptance Testing? Explain (8)
9.      Define KM system Deployment & Explain issues related to Deployment.(16)
10.  What is mean by Consensus Decision Making? Explain (8)
11.  Briefly explain about post implementation.(8)
12.  Discuss about KM User Training (8)
13.  Explain about the Association Rule & classification trees.(8)            (OR)

1.      What is meant by Knowledge transfer?
2.       Difference between Explicit interterm transfer & Tacit Knowledge transfer.
3.      Define Collective sequential transfer.
4.      Define intranet & extranet.
5.      What is groupware in the E-World?
6.      What is meant by Association Rule?
7.      What is meant classification trees?
8.      Define neural networks.
9.      Define Data mining.
10.  Define neural networks.
11.  What is meant classification trees?
12.  What is Data mining technique?
1.      Explain about the Knowledge Transfer Methods.(16)
2.      Summarize the uses and limitations of the internet as they relate to Knowledge management.(8)
3.      Explain about the Association Rule & classification trees.(8)
4.      Explain about the Knowledge Transfer in the E-World.(8)
5.      Describe the differences and similarities among DM, and Business intelligence. How are they related? (8)
6.      Define neural networks. What does the technology & functions attempt to do? Explain with neat examples.(16)
7.      Briefly discuss about Decision Making Architecture (8)
8.      Explain about Managing Knowledge Workers (10)
9.      Write something about Role of the Internet (6)
10.  Write about Data Management (8)
11.  Briefly explain about   Knowledge Management Protocols (6)

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